Black Dagger Brotherhood boxed set Dark Lover Lover Eternal Lover Awakened Lover Unbound Lover Revealed Lover Enshrined JR Ward 9780451947635 Books

Black Dagger Brotherhood boxed set Dark Lover Lover Eternal Lover Awakened Lover Unbound Lover Revealed Lover Enshrined JR Ward 9780451947635 Books
This is the best series I have ever read. I highly recommend. I have read the Fifty Shades trilogy, The Hunger Games trilogy, the entire Sookie Stackhouse series (aka TrueBlood) and this is my favorite! It's a very enticing read with a good amount of romance along with action/fighting/drama. It's got a mild amount of language, but it's all in context and not any more than 50 shades or Sookie Stackhouse has. The characters are all so captivating and you will fall in love with them! It is definitely preferable to buy the entire series at once, because they are that good! You won't want to have to wait and get the next one after you finish each one, trust me!!
Tags : Black Dagger Brotherhood, boxed set: Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened, Lover Unbound, Lover Revealed, Lover Enshrined [J.R. Ward] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. An insider's guide to the Black Dagger Brotherhood series offers profiles of the members of the Brotherhood and their romantic adventures,J.R. Ward,Black Dagger Brotherhood, boxed set: Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover Awakened, Lover Unbound, Lover Revealed, Lover Enshrined,Signet,0451947630,Romance - Paranormal - General,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Fiction-Romance,General Adult,MASS MARKET,ReadingsAnthologiesCollected Works,Romance - Paranormal,RomanceGeneral,United States
Black Dagger Brotherhood boxed set Dark Lover Lover Eternal Lover Awakened Lover Unbound Lover Revealed Lover Enshrined JR Ward 9780451947635 Books Reviews
I started reading these books with no expectations because I had never read anything by the author and really didn't know what to expect. From page one of book one (Dark Lover) I...WAS...HOOKED!
*possible spoilers below*
1. Dark Lover-Hot Hot Hot!!!! This series started off steamy and sultry and I couldn't read fast enough. Wrath and Beth's romance set me on fire and I knew that if this was how all the other books were going to be I needed to savor every moment. Yeah, the romance happened so fast in this book but I loved the fact that when they knew they were in love they knew there was no reason to hold off. I loved the way the brotherhood accepted and respected Beth. While Butch and Marissa spring to life in this book and slowly tease us with what's to come, they in no way take away from Wrath and Beth. I know a lot of fans from the series say this isn't one of their favorites from the series but I have to say, I think this book has been my favorite so far.
2. Lover Eternal- Yumm-oh. This is the story with Rhage and Mary. While at first I was caught off guard by the lack of Wrath and Beth (since I had fallen so hard for them in the first book) I eventually gave in...because I just couldn't resist. This book was a close 2nd if not a tie with the 1st. In this book many other story lines are started and mingled intricately in with the main story but are not at all over shadowing. Mary is able to tame the beast that is Rhage in more ways than one that had me smiling from ear to ear at times. We meet Bella (Zadists love interest), John Matthew (It's fairly obvious who he really is I just wonder how long it will be before that twist in the story is revealed.) At first I was annoyed with the Lessers having a point of view in these books...they seemed fairly boring and pointless but in this book its a little different. The actions of the lessoning society lead to what is to come. Some really sad things happen in this book leading to the dissappearance of one of the brothers.
3. Lover Awakened- While once again I hated that the previous characters seem to just up and disappear in this book I quickly got over it and found myself longing for a hero like Zadist. With his determination to save Bella and his gentleness with her when he does, you see that this is a man you would want to love you. He's ferociously loyal, secretly romantic and desperately vulnerable. We find out about the horrific past of his and why it has made his so dark. While the story progresses its so sensual to see how Bella brings light to his darkness. The part about this book that bothered me was the way Zadists twin Phury seemed to fall for Bella and the pain he felt from it. I hated to see him sad b/c he comes across as such a giver you kinda want to pull for him to get the girl but you know it's just not going to happen. The filler stories with John Matthew and his classes can seem pointless but I guess they help progress the characters to kind of take over the series eventually (a later gripe of mine)
4. Lover Unbound- This is Butch and Marissa's story. I wasn't into Butch at all in the beginning but as the story progressed no matter how indifferent I once was toward him, I couldn't help but pull for him page after page. Marissa, once thought of as dull and *yawn* comes to life in a way. Light is shed on the actions of the glymera and we start getting a deeper glimpse of Rhevenge. Again, the Lesser's POV kind of got on my nerves until deeper into the story and I could see the point that was working to be made. Butch's journey is just starting out but is an amazing one that I loved loved loved. You kind of start hoping that there has to be a REAL spot for him in the brotherhood because it's just so clear he belongs there. You get a glimpse of the true "bromance" that he and Vishous and it's rather sweet...a little awkward...but sweet.
5. Lover Unbound- This is kind of when it all started to go wrong for me. Vishous had been built up in the previuos books and I was seriously crushing on him. I couldn't wait for his story to come because I just KNEW it was going to be a good one. Ho hum was I disappointed. I wasn't let down by the personal story of his about his past and his struggles but boy was his romance a let down. I thought for sure he was going to have this epically awesome romance and I was heart broken to find out it wasn't so. I didn't dig his rough sex habits but I could see why he liked it like that, I just hoped he liked it "normal" know, with some romance and sensual touching from time to time. I thought for sure this would be a guy who would know how to treat a lady in the bedroom. UGH...Jane (his lady love) fell short and flat for me. I mean the whole time the story was happening it's like their story was right on the cusp of greatness but it never reached that point. I mean, it's sad and had me wanting to tear up but what happens to Jane at the end was just......dumb. There's no better way to put it. I really hated it. I don't really know fully what I expected for V but it wasn't this. Woven into this story is what V's destiny is supposed to be and it reveals who his mother is. We also get a glimpse of the darkness in Phury and a break from the Lesser's POV
6. Lover Enshrined- We continue to learn more about Rhevenge, Xhex, John Matthew and his "crew". A HUGE twist is thrown in from the Omega (so yeah, the Lesser POV is back and in full force). This book seemed a bit darker than the others if that's possible. A lot of death and sadness. Phury has chosen to step in and be the Primal to help the vampire race grow strong. What you don't see coming (but really you kind of do) is his slowly growing love for Cormia...his Chosen First Mate. I grew to really like Cormia and her very tame rebelious nature toward the whole Chosen thing. The glimpses we are given when she experiences things for the first time is so sweet and refreshing. I really felt for her as she fell in love with Phury and watched him seemingly long for another woman and take forever to realize just what they had. the sex (no better way to put it) seems to die down in this book. This story kind of made up for V and Jane's story but was almost overshadowed by the secondary stories surrounding it. I really HATE that as the books go on it's like previous characters kind of just continue to disappear. You fall in love with them during their story and that seems to be the end of them. John Matthew, Quinn, and Blay seem to take up a lot of time in this book and it's really sad to see the Brotherhood pushed to the background in a way. I mean it is called the Black Dagger BROTHERHOOD....Not the Black Dagger Brotherhood trainees but Oh well. I'll continue on since I've made it this far to see just how it all plays out.
All in all I really do like these books and I can't seem to put them down even when I'm totally annoyed with the story taking place. I highly recommend!
just a little side note, if I got parts wrong and/or left out major things sorry. Trying to do this from memory and I have a crappy memory.
I purchased the first six Black Dagger Brotherhood books on a recommendation from . I read Charlaine Harris, Patrica Briggs, Richelle Mead, Karen Chance, and many other authors. I did enjoy the books. They are more erotic than I am used to, but I enjoyed the world that JR Ward created. I was not looking for vampire romance novels. The books don't read like a romance. There is some serious sex scenes in the books, but it is well written and and I enjoyed it. JR Ward seems to have been able to write romance/erotica with a good story. She created a vampire society that is complex, and well thought through. The character development is excellent. There is a lot of action, violence and fighting for the race's survival. Yet you know how the characters feel, their strengths and weaknesses, their love and loss. Ward created an entire society including a language. Some of the language is used in the book but you learn it quickly and there is a glossary of terms. She brings in religion, culture, classes, and explains everything very well. The vampires are not like the standard vamps in so many books now. The vampire's abilities, strengths and weaknesses are not the norm, so it was good reading, something new. And it all fit in the world Ward created.
Honestly, the only thing that bothered me with the writing was the acronyms and slang. The acronyms are in all books and I found that it disrupted my flow of reading. I had to stop at the acronym and try to figure out what it meant. After the first book I just started skipping them so I could keep my flow of reading going. It did irritate me, and that is why I rated the books four stars instead of five. I expected the acronyms in the cell phone texts, but not in their speech. And the slang, it did not fit the characters. I could accept it in the younger characters, but not in a two or three hundred year old vampire. Other than that I did enjoy the books and will continue to read them in paperback. I would recommend the books to a friend. I would also say that these books are very detailed in the sex scenes and should only be read by an adult. These books are not appropriate for youth.
This is the best series I have ever read. I highly recommend. I have read the Fifty Shades trilogy, The Hunger Games trilogy, the entire Sookie Stackhouse series (aka TrueBlood) and this is my favorite! It's a very enticing read with a good amount of romance along with action/fighting/drama. It's got a mild amount of language, but it's all in context and not any more than 50 shades or Sookie Stackhouse has. The characters are all so captivating and you will fall in love with them! It is definitely preferable to buy the entire series at once, because they are that good! You won't want to have to wait and get the next one after you finish each one, trust me!!

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