ATTRACTION Elements of Chemistry Hypothesis Series Book 1 edition by Penny Reid Literature Fiction eBooks

ATTRACTION Elements of Chemistry Hypothesis Series Book 1 edition by Penny Reid Literature Fiction eBooks
4.5 synonym stars!“Is a chameleon a coward because it can change its color? No. It’s evolved and awesome.”
Okay at first I was kicking myself for not having read this sooner, but after the cliffhanger that was the ending boy am I glad that I waited until this series was finished! I can jump right into the next book! And also, a small shout out to Dee, Jasmine and Sharon, all three of whom recommended me this series at one point. I really was listening! I mean 3 recs people, that's pretty promising. I will give each of you credit for every book (Dee first because she rec'd it first).
THIS WAS THE PERFECT BOOK TO SUIT MY MOOD! Like seriously. After DNFing my last book I needed something that could hold my attention and this book was it! I honestly was giggling and laughing out loud while reading this.
“You’ll have to read the book, and don’t interrupt me. It’s distracting enough looking at you. You’ve already derailed my brain train with your face several times.”
Attraction drops us right at the beginning of the story of Parker and Martin. The two are lab partners and one day when hiding in the closet of the chem lab, Parker overhears two people plotting against her very hot lab partner Martin. In an attempt to warn him, she finds out that he's been attracted to her the entire time they've worked together. A girl who likes to blend in Parker wears baggy clothes and does her best to fade in the background, but somehow rich guy playboy sees Parker for who she really is, and wants more.
Soon Martin has coerced her onto a Spring Break trip where Parker is swept up into a whirlwind of new emotions and experiences. But can she really let herself fall for the mysterious bad guy Martin?
“He was so handsome I felt like filing a civil lawsuit against his parents, claiming punitive damages, pain and suffering to my psyche.”
Penny Reid's author voice is one of the best ones out there. She manages to write seemingly real characters and adds a layer of humor to it all. I loved Parker's inner thoughts and her reactions to all of her new scenarios, it easily put a gigantic smile on my face.
I also liked the mysterious Martin and want to learn more about him and his motivations. He seems to genuinely like our heroine and goes after what he wants. For a shorter novel a lot of good stuff was crammed in and I cannot wait to read the next book! (When I should be writing my thesis *wah wah*)
“I will die happy here, today, in this spot,” she sighed. “In your puddle of lust.”
“Leave my puddle of lust alone. Get your own puddle.”

Tags : ATTRACTION: Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis Series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Penny Reid. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ATTRACTION: Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis Series Book 1).,ebook,Penny Reid,ATTRACTION: Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis Series Book 1),Caped Publishing,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Fiction Romance Romantic Comedy
ATTRACTION Elements of Chemistry Hypothesis Series Book 1 edition by Penny Reid Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
Yeah, I'm late to the party but better late than never, right?!
So, this was my first book by this author and OMG I could slap myself for not reading this book sooner since I had it on my kindle forever. Now I really need to get my hands on the second book because that cliffhanger there, it totally killed me. It ended like at the best part - where the story gets juicy.
Anyway, this was a short read which was the reason why I've read it because I don't like to DNF a book and a short book is a good way to get to know the story and the author without having to invest a lot of time. Although I will invest lots of time in her works now because I loved this book.
The Story
Kaitlyn couldn't believe how evil some people were and when she overhears two students discussing a plot against her lab partner, she knows she has to warn him. But this might be easier said than done given his gorgeous eyes penetrating her and his muscular body pressing against her. Even Kaitlyn isn't immune to Martin's hot body, charm and intelligence; although she heard lots about his bullying and knows that he, being a jerk face, makes girls cry on end.
But his persistent lands her on a private beach for one week at spring break with the one and only Martin Sandeke. How in the world will she survive this? The chemistry between them is not to ignore but will she be comfortable in this billionaire universe? And most importantly, can she trust that Martin really likes her?
Even though with this plot, the book could have gone so wrong, it certainly didn't and left me positively surprised. Good-looking, handsome, short-tempered playboy billionaire and most popular student meets nerdy, strange, invisible, nice next-door-girl. Yeah, this probably makes a few people cringe but believe me, this was such a quirky and fun read it might even surprise you.
The writing was refreshing and the characters – as ordinary as they may seem from the plot – were quite unique.
This was an unexpected but really entertaining read. I loved it despite the jerk face of a guy; but I have to say that he really got some bonus points for being kinder than I thought a jerk face would be.
They were both so cute. Kaitlyn was obviously inexperienced with boys and even though Martin had lots of girls enter his bedroom before, this was new for him too because she's so different to the other girls he’s met so far and they just were so unsure of everything and nervous. It was so sweet.
4.5 synonym stars!
“Is a chameleon a coward because it can change its color? No. It’s evolved and awesome.”
Okay at first I was kicking myself for not having read this sooner, but after the cliffhanger that was the ending boy am I glad that I waited until this series was finished! I can jump right into the next book! And also, a small shout out to Dee, Jasmine and Sharon, all three of whom recommended me this series at one point. I really was listening! I mean 3 recs people, that's pretty promising. I will give each of you credit for every book (Dee first because she rec'd it first).
THIS WAS THE PERFECT BOOK TO SUIT MY MOOD! Like seriously. After DNFing my last book I needed something that could hold my attention and this book was it! I honestly was giggling and laughing out loud while reading this.
“You’ll have to read the book, and don’t interrupt me. It’s distracting enough looking at you. You’ve already derailed my brain train with your face several times.”
Attraction drops us right at the beginning of the story of Parker and Martin. The two are lab partners and one day when hiding in the closet of the chem lab, Parker overhears two people plotting against her very hot lab partner Martin. In an attempt to warn him, she finds out that he's been attracted to her the entire time they've worked together. A girl who likes to blend in Parker wears baggy clothes and does her best to fade in the background, but somehow rich guy playboy sees Parker for who she really is, and wants more.
Soon Martin has coerced her onto a Spring Break trip where Parker is swept up into a whirlwind of new emotions and experiences. But can she really let herself fall for the mysterious bad guy Martin?
“He was so handsome I felt like filing a civil lawsuit against his parents, claiming punitive damages, pain and suffering to my psyche.”
Penny Reid's author voice is one of the best ones out there. She manages to write seemingly real characters and adds a layer of humor to it all. I loved Parker's inner thoughts and her reactions to all of her new scenarios, it easily put a gigantic smile on my face.
I also liked the mysterious Martin and want to learn more about him and his motivations. He seems to genuinely like our heroine and goes after what he wants. For a shorter novel a lot of good stuff was crammed in and I cannot wait to read the next book! (When I should be writing my thesis *wah wah*)
“I will die happy here, today, in this spot,” she sighed. “In your puddle of lust.”
“Leave my puddle of lust alone. Get your own puddle.”

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